Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Swirl Bread

Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Swirl Bread is a low-sugar and low-fat homemade bread. One of the key ingredients – Herman’s Baking Powder will break down sugars by fermenting in gluten for easier digestion. It’s colorful and delicious. Everyone may wish to try! – Provided by our advisor Ms Sofia Fachruddin


Dough A – Plain

125g Bread Flour
15g Sugar
1g salt
65g milk
80g Herman Sweet Starter
10g Unsalted Butter

Dough B – Purple Sweet Potato

100g Bread Flour
35g Purple Sweet Potato Flour
10g Sugar
2g salt
65g milk
80g Herman Sweet Starter
10g Unsalted Butter


Dough A – Plain

  1. Place all ingredients into mixing bowl except butter
  2. Mix 10sec/sp4
  3. Knead 30 secs
  4. Add butter, knead 2.30mins
  5. Remove, set aside in an oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap
  6. Without washing the TM bowl, let’s prepare DOUGH B

Dough B – Purple Sweet Potato

  1. Place all ingredients into mixing bowl, except butter
  2. Mix 10sec/sp4
  3. Knead 30 secs
  4. Add butter, knead 2.30mins
  5. Remove, set aside in an oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap


  1. Rest DOUGH A and DOUGH B for at least 30 mins to 1 hour
  2. Roll DOUGH B into rectangular shape about 10 x 12 inch. Set aside.
  3. Roll DOUGH A into rectangular shape about 10 x 12 inch.
  4. Place DOUGH B on top of DOUGH A and roll it into a log from the short side (like rolling a cinnamon roll)
  5. Divide dough equally into 6 pieces length
  6. Place into a pullman loaf tin. Proof till it reaches 90% height of the tin. Cover with pullman loaf tin lid for a sandwich loaf (optional).
  7. Bake in preheated 180°C oven for 30 – 40 mins or till done.


  • If the dough springs back when rolling, let it rest for another 30 mins before continue rolling.
  • Herman Sweet Starter can be replaced with Sourdough Starter or 40g bread flour + 40g milk + 3g instant yeast

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