Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Swirl Bread
Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Swirl Bread is a low-sugar and low-fat homemade bread. One of the key ingredients – Herman’s Baking Powder will break down sugars by fermenting in gluten for easier digestion. It’s colorful and delicious. Everyone may wish to try!
– Provided by our advisor Ms Sofia Fachruddin
Dough A – Plain
125g Bread Flour
15g Sugar
1g salt
65g milk
80g Herman Sweet Starter
10g Unsalted Butter
Dough B – Purple Sweet Potato
100g Bread Flour
35g Purple Sweet Potato Flour
10g Sugar
2g salt
65g milk
80g Herman Sweet Starter
10g Unsalted Butter
Dough A – Plain
- Place all ingredients into mixing bowl except butter
- Mix 10sec/sp4
- Knead 30 secs
- Add butter, knead 2.30mins
- Remove, set aside in an oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap
- Without washing the TM bowl, let’s prepare DOUGH B
Dough B – Purple Sweet Potato
- Place all ingredients into mixing bowl, except butter
- Mix 10sec/sp4
- Knead 30 secs
- Add butter, knead 2.30mins
- Remove, set aside in an oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap
- Rest DOUGH A and DOUGH B for at least 30 mins to 1 hour
- Roll DOUGH B into rectangular shape about 10 x 12 inch. Set aside.
- Roll DOUGH A into rectangular shape about 10 x 12 inch.
- Place DOUGH B on top of DOUGH A and roll it into a log from the short side (like rolling a cinnamon roll)
- Divide dough equally into 6 pieces length
- Place into a pullman loaf tin. Proof till it reaches 90% height of the tin. Cover with pullman loaf tin lid for a sandwich loaf (optional).
- Bake in preheated 180°C oven for 30 – 40 mins or till done.
- If the dough springs back when rolling, let it rest for another 30 mins before continue rolling.
- Herman Sweet Starter can be replaced with Sourdough Starter or 40g bread flour + 40g milk + 3g instant yeast